GAFE- Beyond the Basics
This session will focus on cool tools to use in the classroom with GAFE after you have got the basics. We will look at different ways to use Google Forms, Google Maps, and Google Drawing in the classroom as well as integrating these into your Google Classroom. We will also cover some add-ons that making working with tech a little easier. Teachers will be able to see the application of these in a 4th grade Pre-AP classroom.
Self-Grading Spelling Tests
This is an example of our spelling test that we use in my classroom. I add the form to our Google Classroom and students are able to click the link and access the form. I have the settings closed so that they are only allowed to respond once, and they are not able to edit their answers. I have set the answer key as my taking of the test. I create a Google Sheet to view the results and add Flubaroo to auto-grade that test based on the answer key that I created. The students get immediate feedback from their spelling test via email from Flubaroo , I don't have to grade tons of spelling tests by hand, and the students are practicing their typing and test taking strategies. Get a copy of the spelling test form here.
Use this link to make your own copy of this document and go through the steps of setting up an auto-grade document on Flubaroo. On tests that require short answers, it will tell the students that their answer is wrong if it isn't exactly the same as yours. I just let my students know that I review all answers and do award credit if it is correct.
Creating Rubrics
This comes from Alice Keeler. I have used these rubrics for many different projects, but the most recent was the Living Wax Museum components that my students had to complete. Copy the rubric template here. You will have to install RubicTab as an add-on. It gives you a step by step process to creating and sending out rubric results.
This comes from Alice Keeler. I have used these rubrics for many different projects, but the most recent was the Living Wax Museum components that my students had to complete. Copy the rubric template here. You will have to install RubicTab as an add-on. It gives you a step by step process to creating and sending out rubric results.
Gamification in the Classroom
I used badges to gamify my 40 book challenge for this school year. The original idea came from Alice Keeler, but I adapted it to meet my needs. Many of my students were lackluster about doing the book challenge, but they really stepped it up when I added the badges!
Click here for the original link.
I used badges to gamify my 40 book challenge for this school year. The original idea came from Alice Keeler, but I adapted it to meet my needs. Many of my students were lackluster about doing the book challenge, but they really stepped it up when I added the badges!
Click here for the original link.
Click here for my copy. I also have links to the documents that the students are required to link to their badge form located on the badge form. It must be added onto their badge form to get credit. Click here to create your own copy of this form. There are several hidden pages on this sheet that will allow you to customize and add your own badges.
Using Google My Maps
I use Google Maps all the time while we are reading to look up places or to examine things at street view to try and evaluate how things have changed. This last year I learned about Google My Maps which allows you to create your own custom maps that you can drop in pins and add pictures and text. I used this project with my students this year to create a map advertising some of the great tourist locations in Arkansas.
I use Google Maps all the time while we are reading to look up places or to examine things at street view to try and evaluate how things have changed. This last year I learned about Google My Maps which allows you to create your own custom maps that you can drop in pins and add pictures and text. I used this project with my students this year to create a map advertising some of the great tourist locations in Arkansas.
We also used it while reading to track the progress that a character made. We used it while we read The Black Stallion and tracked the ship journey of the main character at the beginning of the book.
My kids were always excited to get to build their own map projects.
There are a ton of really great resources out there once you have the hang of the basics. Some of my favorite go to people are Will Kimbley and Alice Keeler. They can really keep you up to date on everything happening with GAFE. I would suggest following them both on Twitter. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions that you may come up with. I love to help out! Can you fill out this quick survey letting me know how I did? Thank you for coming!